Asthma Research
Sherenian Lab

Sherenian Research Lab

The Sherenian lab investigates the novel intersection between coagulation and allergic disease development. The lab uses a variety of mechanistic and clinical approaches to improve the understanding of how genetics influence allergic disease in children. These include both human and mouse models to further delineate how clotting factors impact allergic sensitization and disease development. The lab’s goal is to translate its findings into improved patient care and to modify the course of allergic disease.

The lab’s current research interests include elucidating the impact of clotting on:

  • Atopic dermatitis development, among other allergic diseases
  • Allergic hypersensitivity and inflammatory mechanisms
  • Bacterial colonization and the microbiome in allergic disease

Proposed mechanisms between clotting, allergic sensitization, and atopic dermatitis pathogenesis.

(Figure for first research area) Proposed mechanisms between clotting, allergic sensitization, and atopic dermatitis pathogenesis.

Contact Us

Michael G. Sherenian, MD, MS
Assistant Professor
UC Department of Pediatrics
Member, Division of Asthma Research
Department of Pediatrics, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

Mailing Address:
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
3333 Burnet Avenue
MLC 7037
Cincinnati, OH 45229

Phone: 513-636-1441
Fax: 513-636-1657