About the Panganiban Lab

Established in 2023, the Panganiban Lab is a young lab that values engaging and collaborative space where respect and cooperation are at the heart of their work. We strive to have a close-knit, productive environment where curiosity and teamwork drive our scientific discoveries.

Our lab members are encouraged to present their research at prestigious events like the American Thoracic Society (ATS) Conference and Gordon Research Conferences, offering them opportunities for professional growth.

Throughout the year we meet regularly for our lab meetings and participate in our divisional lab meetings, journal club, database, and manuscript meetings. We also bond during our annual Halloween and Holiday parties.

Dr. Panganiban and a lab member enjoying a meal.
Dr. Panganiban and lab members enjoying a meal.
Dr. Panganiban and lab members presenting their work.

Join Our Lab!

If you are interested in partnering with us or joining our team, please contact us.
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