Institutes, Divisions & Centers
Asthma Research

The Importance of Asthma Research

Asthma is a chronic disease that impacts millions of children worldwide. Other atopic diseases, such as eczema and food allergies, can also predispose children to asthma development. Within the affected population, asthma can have a variety of symptoms, making treatments challenging.

Our research is dedicated to uncovering the biological, environmental and genetic links that drive asthma development and progression. Our main research goals are to understand why its severity varies among children and how other allergic diseases contribute to asthma development. By focusing on early biomarkers, immune and inflammatory responses in allergic diseases, and changes in airway reactivity, our team focuses on predicting the severity of the disease for each patient and understanding mechanisms that drive asthma progression. Ultimately, our research aims to prevent asthma exacerbations and reduce hospitalizations leading to improved daily life for patients.

Our Mission

Our mission is to improve the health of children with asthma through groundbreaking research that sets new standards for asthma diagnosis and treatment. We combine clinical, translational, basic, epidemiologic, community-based and racial disparities research to uncover the mechanisms underlying individual variations in asthma presentation, treatment responses, and outcomes. By fostering collaboration across disciplines, we aim to make impactful discoveries and develop innovative interventions.

We are also committed to fostering an inclusive work environment that supports educational and career development opportunities for researchers at all levels. As a central hub for asthma research, we facilitate collaboration among diverse experts, ensuring a unified approach to addressing asthma’s challenges. Our culture empowers faculty, staff and trainees to lead research in both current and emerging clinical areas relevant to asthma. Additionally, we actively engage with the community to raise awareness and improve care, further strengthening our commitment to better outcomes for all children with asthma.


The Division of Asthma Research actively collaborates with 26 divisions and centers at Cincinnati Children’s covering basic discovery, translational, clinical research and intervention studies. These collaborations have led to funding for numerous junior and established investigators across Cincinnati Children's and the University of Cincinnati. We also collaborate with various institutions, centers, divisions and departments externally that open the door to innovative solutions to improve the health of children with asthma across the globe.

Interested in Joining the Team?

Our Division of Asthma Research is committed to providing every team member with exceptional educational and professional experience. We foster an environment that encourages growth, innovation and collaboration, which enables individuals to contribute meaningfully to the mission of understanding the mechanisms contributing to asthma development in children. We look for passionate, self-driven individuals eager to make a difference in the lives of pediatric patients and help push the boundaries of asthma research.

If you are interested in joining our team and making an impact, see our available research positions.

Faculty Researchers Image
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Peer-Reviewed Publications in FY24
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Grant Funding in FY24

Statistics at a Glance

Research and Training

  • Faculty: 7
  • Joint Appointment Faculty: 4
  • Research Graduate Students: 2
  • Research Fellows and Post Docs: 6