Adolescent and Transition Medicine
Kahn Lab

Kahn Research Lab

The goal of the Kahn Lab is to conduct interdisciplinary clinical and epidemiologic studies related to prevention of cervical cancer and other diseases caused by human papillomavirus (HPV), in the United States and globally.

We have conducted studies that:

  • Examine the accuracy and acceptability of different collection methods for HPV DNA testing in adolescents
  • Explore the psychosocial and behavioral impact of HPV infection and abnormal Pap tests among adolescents
  • Define the epidemiology and risk factors for HPV infection in adolescents
  • Examine prevention of cervical cancer and other HPV-related diseases through HPV vaccination
    • Predictors of clinician recommendations and adolescent uptake of HPV vaccines 
    • Effect of HPV vaccination on sexual attitudes and behaviors
    • Impact of HPV vaccination on the epidemiology of HPV in the community
    • Safety, immunogenicity and effectiveness of HPV vaccination in immunocompromised populations
    • Feasibility of vaccination in less developed regions of the world 

Contact Us

A photo of Jessica Kahn.

Jessica A. Kahn, MD, MPH  

Mailing Address:
Division of Adolescent Medicine
3333 Burnet Ave.
MLC 4000
Cincinnati, OH 45229

Phone: 513-636-7764
Fax: 513-636-1129