Continued service on the editorial boards of scientific journals, such as the Journal of Clinical Investigation and Science Translational Medicine.
As an invited speaker, remotely presented a talk, via recording, on the subject of diapause at a conference in Sweden leading to a subsequent manuscript.
Served on an NIH study section in Summer 2020
Tony De Falco, PhD
Served as an NIH grant reviewer for the Cellular, Molecular and Integrative Reproduction (CMIR) study section, February 2021.
Served as a grant reviewer for the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) (French National Research Agency), May 2021.
Served as an editorial board member for Biology of Reproduction.
Xiaofei Sun, PhD
Journal cover: Imaging and Analysis of Isomeric Unsaturated Lipids through Online Photochemical Derivatization of Carbon-Carbon Double Bonds. 2021 Angewandte Chemie 2021 Mar 29;60(14):7559-7563. doi: 10.1002/anie.202016734 , PMID: 33460514