Pediatric Urology
Division Publications
- Barthold JS, Wang Y, Kolon TF, Kollin C, Nordenskjold A, Olivant Fisher A, Figueroa TE, BaniHani AH, Hagerty JA, Gonzalez R, Noh PH, Chiavacci RM, Harden KR, Abrams DJ, Kim CE, Li J, Hakonarson H, Devoto M. Pathway Analysis Supports Association of Nonsyndromic Cryptorchidism with Genetic Loci Linked to Cytoskeleton-Dependent Functions. Hum Reprod. 2015; 30:2439-51.
- Bischoff A, DeFoor W, VanderBrink B, Goebel J, Hall J, Alonso M, Reddy P, Pena A. End Stage Renal Disease and Kidney Transplant in Patients with Anorectal Malformation: Is There an Alternative Route? Pediatr Surg Int. 2015; 31:725-28.
- Dangle PP, Akhavan A, Odeleye M, Avery D, Lendvay T, Koh CJ, Elder JS, Noh PH, Bansal D, Schulte M, MacDonald J, Shukla A, Kim C, Herbst K, Corbett S, Kearns J, Kunnavakkam R, Gundeti MS. Ninety-Day Perioperative Complications of Pediatric Robotic Urological Surgery: A Multi-Institutional Study. J Pediatr Urol. 2016; 12:102 e1-6.
- DeFoor WR, Jr. Challenges in Predicting Renal Outcomes in Boys with Posterior Urethral Valves. J Urol. 2016; 196:639-40.
- DeFoor WR, Asplin JR, Kollar L, Jackson E, Jenkins T, Schulte M, Inge T. Prospective Evaluation of Urinary Metabolic Indices in Severely Obese Adolescents after Weight Loss Surgery. Surg Obes Relat Dis. 2016; 12:363-7.
- DeFoor WR, Bischoff A, Reddy P, VanderBrink B, Minevich E, Schulte M, Sheldon C, Pena A. Chronic Kidney Disease Stage Progression in Patients Undergoing Repair of Persistent Cloaca. J Urol. 2015; 194:190-4.
- Franklin A, VanderBrink B, DeFoor WR. A Fast-Growing, Painless, Solid Scrotal Mass. JAAPA. 2015; 28:35-8.
- Greenfield SP, Cheng E, DeFoor W, Kropp B, Rushton HG, Skoog S, Carpenter M. Vesicoureteral Reflux and Antibiotic Prophylaxis: Why Cohorts and Methodologies Matter. J Urol. 2016; 196:1238-43.
- Hass MR, Liow HH, Chen X, Sharma A, Inoue YU, Inoue T, Reeb A, Martens A, Fulbright M, Raju S, Stevens M, Boyle S, Park JS, Weirauch MT, Brent MR, Kopan R. Spdamid: Marking DNA Bound by Protein Complexes Identifies Notch-Dimer Responsive Enhancers. Mol Cell. 2015; 59:685-97.
- Hawkins CM, Kukreja K, Singewald T, Minevich E, Johnson ND, Reddy P, Racadio JM. Use of Cone-Beam Ct and Live 3-D Needle Guidance to Facilitate Percutaneous Nephrostomy and Nephrolithotripsy Access in Children and Adolescents. Pediatr Radiol. 2016; 46:570-74.
- Khan MK, VanderBrink BA, DeFoor WR, Minevich E, Jackson E, Noh P, Reddy PP. Botulinum Toxin Injection in the Pediatric Population with Medically Refractory Neuropathic Bladder. J Pediatr Urol. 2016; 12:104 e1-6.
- Liu X, Li H, Rajurkar M, Li Q, Cotton JL, Ou J, Zhu LJ, Goel HL, Mercurio AM, Park JS, Davis RJ, Mao J. Tead and Ap1 Coordinate Transcription and Motility. Cell Rep. 2016; 14:1169-80.
- Lucas EJ, Baxter C, Singh C, Mohamed AZ, Li BR, Zhang JW, Jayanthi VR, Koff SA, VanderBrink B, Justice SS. Comparison of the Microbiological Milieu of Patients Randomized to Either Hydrophilic or Conventional Pvc Catheters for Clean Intermittent Catheterization. J Pediatr Urol. 2016; 12.
- Mann E, Alam Z, Hufgard J, Mogle M, Williams M, Vorhees C, Reddy P. Chronic Social Defeat, but Not Restraint Stress, Alters Bladder Function in Mice. Physiol Behav. 2015; 150:83-92.
- Sheldon C. Thriving in Adversity: Psychotherapeutic Experiences in a Bone Marrow Transplant Unit. Camb Q Healthc Ethics. 2016; 25:113-20.
- VanderBrink BA, Reddy PP. Early Urologic Considerations in Patients with Persistent Cloaca. Semin Pediatr Surg. 2016; 25:82-9.