2016 Research Annual Report

Fig A:  These microscope images show examples of hemophagocytosis characterized by macrophages with engulfed red blood cells in lymph node (A, B) and spleen (C, D) in fatal cases of H1N1 influenza.


Featured Research

For Some, H1N1 Flu Triggers Fatal Reactive HLH

Whole-exome sequencing of samples from 16 fatal cases of H1N1 influenza reveals that some deaths may have occurred because the virus triggers a rare form of immune system disease.

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Division Summary

Research and Training Details
Faculty 10
Joint Appointment Faculty 2
Research Graduate Students 3
Total Annual Grant Award Dollars $937,626
Total Annual Industry Award Dollars $1,002,401
Total Publications 48
Clinical Activities and Training
Clinical Fellows 6
Inpatient Encounters 569
Outpatient Encounters 6,006