2016 Research Annual Report


Fig A:  Despite conventional wisdom, these images demonstrate that rereduction of both-bone forearm fractures produces satisfactory outcomes, with apex angulations less than 5 degrees. Rereduction also costs less than surgery.

Featured Research

Rereduction Proves Effective, Reduces Cost of Treating Both-Bone Forearm Fractures in Children

Forearm fractures of both the radius and ulna can be treated with a less invasive, more conservative approach called rereduction—a procedure that is as effective as surgery but delivers up to 50 percent cost savings.

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Division Summary

Research and Training Details
Faculty 14
Joint Appointment Faculty 1
Research Fellows and Post Docs 2
Research Graduate Students 6
Total Annual Grant Award Dollars $116,149
Total Annual Industry Award Dollars $54,283
Total Publications 39
Clinical Activities and Training
Clinical Fellows 3
Inpatient Encounters 1,037
Outpatient Encounters 47,406