
Corporate Giving

The generous support of our local business community helps Cincinnati Children’s bring the world the joy of healthier kids. Without the continuing support of our donors and friends, we would not be the world-class medical center we are today.

A Special Thanks to Our Leading Corporate Partners

Our heartfelt thanks to our corporate partners for helping us change the outcome for sick and injured children.

Corporate Partner Spotlight

As a trusted construction partner across the region, we know that the power of home is important. At Messer Construction Co., we’re committed to building better lives for our customers, communities and each other.

That’s why it’s so important for us to partner with Cincinnati Children’s throughout the year—most recently as a lead sponsor for the 15th Anniversary Cincinnati Walks for Kids. Our entire community’s well-being and success are important, and we know and appreciate the vital role Cincinnati Children’s plays in both – as a nationally recognized medical institution and a leading local caregiver. As such, we’re honored to be an active partner with an organization that contributes so much to children’s care, medicine and research.

We’ve been involved with the walk since the beginning and it’s always a highlight for our employees. We all pitch in and help out as volunteers to make sure the day runs smoothly — covering set up, water stations and tear down. With the walk going virtual this year, we built a new way to be involved. We challenged kids to a Lego Construction competition and recognized the creativity of children and families who were staying at home.

In addition to supporting Cincinnati Walks for Kids, the Katie Waters Memorial Golf Outing and Cincinnati Children’s community concert, Kaleidoscope, we’re investing in initiatives that focus on advocacy, prevention and wellness for the whole child.

One such program is the Comprehensive Children’s Injury Center at Cincinnati Children’s. Their Building Safety On Your Block (BSOYB) program impacts the kids in our community in a major way by giving families the equipment they need to keep their children safe. The program also educates them about injury prevention – a truly invaluable gift that will save lives.

We’re grateful to be partners with Cincinnati Children’s because we know how lucky the community is to have such a world-class medical institution in our own backyard.

Your Messer Construction Team

  • Tim Steigerwald (President, CEO and Chairman of the Board)
  • Bernie Suer (Senior Vice President)
  • Pete Bergman (Cincinnati Region Operations VP)
Messer Construction Co. team.

The Messer Construction Co. team

Contact Us

For additional information, contact:

Missy Ford
Phone: 513-636-3942