Honoring Our Past to Build a Brighter Tomorrow for Children
Time Capsules Symbolize How Our Rich History of Collaboration Transforms Care
Nearly a century ago, a group of hospital leaders, clergy, construction workers and philanthropists gathered to celebrate the laying of the cornerstone for the expansion of what is now Cincinnati Children’s.
They marked the occasion by enclosing a time capsule with several artifacts, including photos of previous buildings, a written history of the hospital and an address given at the ceremony.
Unearthed almost 100 years later, the items represent more than simply expanding our space to accommodate a growing community. They also represent expanding the mission of the medical center—pinpointing the very moment in history when we committed to improving patient care through education and research.
Another special item in the 1925 time capsule was a photo of William Cooper Procter, who served as president of the hospital’s Board of Trustees for 13 years. He was a visionary leader whose transformational gift of $2.5 million (valued at $40 million today) helped us grow from a small community hospital to one of the top medical and research centers in the nation.
Proctor gave to support research because he knew that scientific discovery drives great care. He also knew that philanthropy and collaboration were two critical components to becoming a global leader in child health.
World-Class Care Is Fueled by Charitable Partners
Collaboration with donors continues to be a foundational component in advancing research and transforming care. Take for instance our development of a new, first-of-its-kind liver research center —thanks to a recent gift of $1.5 million from the Peter and Tommy Fund.