Education and Training
Aaron W. Perlman Center Graduate Program

Begin Training in Therapy and Assistive Technology for Children with Physical Disabilities

The Aaron W. Perlman Center for Children at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center offers training and clinical experience in general pediatrics in an integrated therapeutic  setting for young children with physical disabilities.

Specialty training is offered in power mobility, seating and positioning, assistive technology (augmentative communication, computer access, environmental control) and aquatic therapy.

Graduate-level internships are available year-round. Contact Julie Linebach, ( for more information, 513-636-3601.

Students participate in all aspects of the therapeutic programs and gain experience with a wide variety of diagnoses including cerebral palsy, spinal muscle atrophy, mitochondrial and chromosome disorder and seizures.

In addition, the Aaron W. Perlman Center for Children specializes in the evaluation, treatment and training in assistive technology and adaptive equipment. Students are exposed to state-of-the-art adaptive equipment and assistive technology and gain a full understanding of the process of evaluating and ordering adaptive equipment for individuals with complex disorders.

Graduate-level clinicals are available year-round. Contact Mitzi Hinton ( for more information, 513-636-4601.

Students participate in all aspects of the therapeutic programs and gain experience with a wide variety of communication disorders including child language and articulation / voice and oral-motor / feeding problems.

In addition, the Aaron W. Perlman Center for Children specializes in the evaluation,  treatment  and training in assistive technology. Students are exposed to a number of  augmentative communication systems and state-of-the-art technology.

Graduate-level internships are available year-round. Contact Carrie Barlage, ( for more information, 513-636-4601.

Students participate in all aspects of the therapeutic programs and gain experience with a wide variety of diagnoses including cerebral palsy, spinal muscle atrophy, mitochondrial and chromosome disorder and seizures.

In addition, the Aaron W. Perlman Center for Children specializes in the evaluation,  treatment  and training in assistive technology and adaptive equipment. Students are exposed to state-of-the-art adaptive equipment and assistive technology and gain a full understanding of the process of evaluating and ordering adaptive equipment for individuals with complex disorders.