Education and Training
Quality Improvement and Safety in Pediatric Palliative Care Fellowship

Engage in Multidisciplinary Projects to Improve Pediatric Palliative Care

The Pediatric Palliative Care Program provides a 12 month fellowship in Quality Improvement and Safety in Pediatric Palliative Care.

The program will provide:

  • The background knowledge, skills, and analytic framework required for quality, safety, and performance improvement.
  • The opportunity to engage in and perform quality, safety, and performance improvement projects in multi-disciplinary settings within the department, the institution, and all relevant national quality organizations.
  • The skills required for the preparation of enduring academic material on the subject of quality, safety, and performance improvement.
  • Leadership skills in multi-disciplinary settings.

The advanced fellowship is expected to follow the one-year ACGME fellowship in pediatric hospice and palliative medicine, but does not have to follow it immediately. Approximately 60% of the advanced fellow's time will be spent on academic activity, and 40% on clinical activity. The advanced fellow could function as either a "Senior Fellow" or as "Junior Faculty."

Program Structure

Timeline Academic Time Tasks

Month 2 to 0

  1. Weekly calls with program director and medical director to prepare for I2S2 project
  2. Participation in I2S2 pre-class calls
Month 1 3-4 days / week
  1. Introduction to Quality Improvement and Safety topics and options for improvement project presented in week 1 to 4
  2. Preparation of IRB protocol/ 12S2 project
  3. Clinical activity in the capacity of either senior fellow or junior faculty 1-2/days/week
Month 2-7 3-4 days / week
  1. Attend Quality Improvement didactic course lectures (12S2) 2 days a month
  2. Work on improvement project (including baseline data collection, conducting PDSA cycles and data analysis with run charts) with coach and departmental faculty 3-4 days a week
  3. Attend Quality Improvement / Safety didactic lectures 1-2 days a week (Health Services and Ql Research Conferences, Research in Progress Conferences, Quality Improvement writing sessions)
  4. Present Improvement project to anesthesia faculty/staff
  5. Present/lead national pediatric palliative care QI collaborative calls
  6. Clinical activity in the capacity of either senior fellow or junior faculty 1-2/days/week

Month 8 to 9

2-3 days / week
  1. Academic time 2-3 days /week
  2. Attend didactic 1252 course lectures with presentation of data and run charts
  3. Abstract and Manuscript preparation
  4. Clinical activity in the capacity of either senior fellow or junior faculty 2-3/days/week

Month 9 to 12

2-3 days / week
  1. Abstract and Manuscript preparation
  2. IHI visit (1 week)
  3. Exposure to lean Methodology (e.g. Seattle Children’s Hospital visit-1week)
  4. Attend/present at International forum on Quality and Safety (April 2019)
  5. Present at national pediatric palliative care QI workshop (April 2019, hosted by Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center)
  6. Clinical activity in the capacity of either senior fellow or junior faculty 2-3/days/week