
Clinical Service
Each fellow will complete one to two months of supervised clinical coverage of the Inpatient Care Units Nephrology Service. The service is comprised of the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, the Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit, the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, the special care nurseries and the Bone Marrow Transplant Unit. 

Ongoing Supervision
Stuart Goldstein, MD, Prasad Devarajan, MD, and the fellows' scholarship oversight committee will be responsible for supervising the fellows’ progress throughout the year. Goldstein will provide all the didactic coursework in pediatric renal replacement therapy and will serve as the mentor for the fellows’ research projects.  

Devarajan and Bissler will serve on the fellows’ scholarship oversight committees. One additional SOC member will be selected for each committee, based on the individual fellow’s clinical or translational area of research. 

Fellows are evaluated in terms of research goals. Goldstein will supervise each fellow’s research efforts, with the expectation that he or she will submit a manuscript for publication in a peer-reviewed journal within six months of completion of the fellowship.