Pediatric Palliative Care
StarShine Hospice

StarShine Hospice and Palliative Care

Children do best in their own environment, surrounded by the people and things they love. This is all the more important when your child has a serious illness.

Our Programs

Over the years, we have learned that coping with the illness and death of a child is a highly personal and individual experience. We’ve developed our programs accordingly, tailoring them to specific situations and needs as much as possible.


Our Transitions Program provides skilled medical care to children with chronic, life-limiting or terminal medical conditions. The services offered by Transitions go beyond traditional home healthcare. It must be ordered by your child’s physician and is provided in your home.

StarShine Hospice Program - Our Multidisciplinary Approach

Our team of physicians, nurses, chaplains, social workers, child life therapists, volunteers, holistic health specialists and music specialists will work together with your family to support your needs.


Our Perinatal Program is for women who learn during pregnancy that the baby they are carrying has a terminal health condition. Our experts work closely with your doctor to help you through pregnancy and delivery, and after.


Our Bereavement Program is available to all families who have lost a child to illness. Bereavement services are available to families for at least two years following a child’s death.

Our Philosophy

Children know how to make the most of every moment. At StarShine, we follow that example. When the moments with a child you love are fewer than they ought to be, StarShine is here to help make each one count.

StarShine was created to help children who are facing debilitating, life-limiting and terminal illnesses – and their families.