Services & Specialties
Pediatric Radiology and Medical Imaging

Experts in Making Procedures Safe and Comfortable

If your child needs an imaging procedure such as an MRI or a CT scan, the Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging at Cincinnati Children’s is the right choice. We are one of the largest pediatric radiology facilities in the country, performing more than 200,000 imaging procedures on children each year.  Learn more about the services we offer

Kid-Friendly Imaging

Kids don’t like to hold still, and our staff understands this. That’s why we have led the way in developing techniques that allow us to obtain highly detailed, accurate images in as little time as possible.

We interact with children every day and know how to make imaging safe and comfortable for all our patients, even if they're scared. And if needed, certified Child Life specialists are available if your child is especially frightened or anxious. If sedation or general anesthesia is required for an imaging procedure, a team of nurse anesthetists and pediatric anesthesiologists will coordinate the effort to provide the safest, most appropriate care.

During the MRI scan, patients may wear special goggles to watch videos or they can listen to music. 

Getting Results to Your Pediatrician

All of our images are stored electronically in a protected system that enables your physicians to view your child’s images at any time from any facility at the medical center, or from their home or office. Results are provided to the ordering physician, who will share them with you.