Inpatient Rehabilitation Unit
Advanced Technology and Equipment

Advanced Technology and Robotic-Assisted Therapy

Our Inpatient Rehabilitation Unit has two gym areas with many state-of-the-art, advanced technologies such as virtual motion and robotic-assisted systems to aid in accelerating recovery of motor and cognitive skills.


ZeroG gait and balance system.

ZeroG gait and balance training system by Aretech is a robotic overground body-weight support system. Patients wear a harness that connects to the ZeroG as it tracks their movements from above. ZeroG prevents falls and uses dynamic body-weight support to partially unweight the patient as they practice walking, balance exercises, sit-to-stand, getting off the floor, stairs, and many other activities in the rehabilitation process. With the interactive balance programs and games, using the ZeroG is fun, yet challenges the patients both physically and cognitively.


TYROSTATION therapy tool.
TYROSTATION combines the Pablo and Tymo. The Pablo can be used as a therapy tool for both the upper and lower extremities. The Pablo System and Tymo are very versatile and can be used in both occupational and physical therapy. The Pablo (similar to the shape of a joystick) is held in the hand while playing a video game to address upper extremity strengthening, range of motion, and/or coordination. It can also be strapped to the trunk or lower extremity to work on ROM, strengthening or coordination. Additionally, the multiboard and multiball allow the patient to work on UE strength, ROM and/or coordination while using the table for support. Tymo can be used for training and improving equilibrium, balance and postural control as well as active employment of force and supporting activities of the upper extremities.

Sanet Vision Integrator

Sanet Vision Integrator therapy tool.

The Sanet Vision Integrator (SVI) is used to improve visual abilities for a wide range of patients with visually related learning problems, amblyopia and traumatic brain injury. It is effective when working with acquired brain injury patients who experience visual field loss, visual-spatial neglect and writing problems, as well as patients with rhythm, reading, and math problems. Lastly, it is indicated for use to enhance body awareness, balance, and stability during dynamic UE movements. The SVI instrument actually “speaks,” instructing the patient to respond to verbal commands, improving auditory-visual integration and memory.

Functional Electrical Stimulation therapy tool.

Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) is a well-established rehabilitation technique which uses pulses of electrical current to stimulate peripheral nerves evoking muscle contractions and patterned muscle activity. FES creates patterned movement in the arms, legs and trunk. FES enables muscles to work and perform activities even though the muscles may be weak or paralyzed through neurological disease or injury.