Liver Services

Liver Pathology Services

The staff pathologists at Cincinnati Children's offer consultative services based on long and extensive experience in the interpretation of liver tissue samples in which metabolic, genetic, malformative, infectious, autoimmune, dysimmune and neoplastic diseases of the liver are suspected.

Our Consultative Service 

Our consultative service includes electron microscopy performed on tissue samples appropriately prepared for ultrastructural analysis. Where appropriate and necessary, our interpretations may include opinions or suggestions for further studies based on consultation with staff pediatric gastroenterologists and / or staff experts in laboratory analysis pertinent to liver disease or systemic disorders in which liver may be but one of many organs affected. 

Our services support a very robust Division of Hepatology and is at the forefront of diagnosis of cholestatic liver diseases in children with its Mass Spectrometry laboratory led by Kenneth D. Setchell, PhD.

Our Disease Expertise

Our disease expertise includes (but not limited to):

  • Biliary atresia and Paucity of bile ducts.
  • Progressive familial cholestasis and bile acid disorders.
  • Other causes of neonatal cholestasis.
  • Liver biopsies for iron storage diseases including gestational alloimmune liver disease.
  • Metabolic liver diseases wherein electron microscopy is integral and provided.
  • Liver diseases in older children including autoimmune liver diseases.
  • Liver diseases in the immunocompromised hosts.
  • Transplant liver pathology and pathology of liver post bone marrow transplantation.
  • Vascular tumors and lesions of liver.
  • Benign and malignant liver tumors with the Center providing central services for Children’s Oncology Group studies on liver tumors.

Our liver pathologists serve on national and international panels for pediatric cholestatic diseases (ChiLDReN network) and also provide consultations and central review for liver tumors as part of Children’s Oncology Group.

Their expertise includes hepatoblastomas and their variants, hepatocellular carcinomas, benign liver tumors and all mesenchymal tumors, benign or malignant involving the liver. Expertise in hepatic vascular lesions is also provided.

Primary Pathologists

Where to Send Materials?

Ship materials and form(s) to:

Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
Attn: Division of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
3333 Burnet Avenue
MLC 1035
Cincinnati, OH 45229

Download Pathology Consult Form