
LiteGait ® is an overhead frame and suspension system which therapists can use to adjust how much support a patient receives while stepping or standing. It can be used over a treadmill or over the ground while walking and the therapist may also help guide the patient’s legs or feet. When used on a treadmill, this is called 'Partial Body Weight Supported Treadmill Training' (PBWSTT).

Evidence suggests that repeated practice of specific tasks can improve function in patients with neurological dysfunction. Growing bodies of research now support the use of PBWSTT in pediatric populations. Results reported have included: increased walking speed, endurance, weight acceptance, and gross motor skill.


Why Choose Us?

Therapists at Cincinnati Children's have received specialized training on this treatment and equipment. Physical therapists at Cincinnati Children's have published a document looking at PBWSTT and current research.

Who Can Benefit? 

Children with the following conditions may benefit from LifeGait ®: 

  • Cerebral Palsy  
  • Spinal cord injury,
  • Traumatic brain injury,
  • Tower extremity amputee,
  • Stroke/CVA,
  • Muscular dystrophy,
  • Lower extremity/joint pain,
  • Other non-progressive neurologic disorders

Location of Service

LiteGait ® equipment is available at the Cincinnati Children's Green Township, Liberty, Mason, and Fairfield locations.

A young patient uses the LifeGait® machine.
Children with a variety of conditions may benefit from LifeGait®, including those with spinal cord or traumatic brain injuries, Cerebral Palsy and lower joint pain.

OT-PT Treatments

The Division of Occupational and Physical Therapy provides a variety of treatment options for patients through a variety of technology.

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Contact Us

For more information about the Division of Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy, call 513-636-4651 or email

To schedule an appointment with OT, PT, or the Motion Analysis Lab, call 513-636-4651 and select option 1.

To talk with a Financial Services Representative, call 513-636-4651 and select option 2.