Information for Physicians

Cincinnati Children’s Approach to HLH Treatment

HLH specialists at Cincinnati Children’s are here to support other physicians caring for children with this devastating disease. Our hematologists/oncologists and bone marrow transplant specialists work collaboratively with referring physicians to provide comprehensive, compassionate care for children and their families. They are available as a resource, from the time of diagnosis through curative treatments such as hematopoietic (blood and marrow) stem cell transplantation and long-term follow-up after transplant.

Our team is never satisfied with the status quo despite their reputation as the most respected destination in North America for HLH treatment. Our vision is to improve care, increase awareness and expand research in the United States and beyond. We will continue to share our knowledge and training techniques with other medical centers across the country and worldwide.

Testing Algorithm

Need help in diagnosing or determining the most efficient sequence of testing for your patients? See our algorithm for: