Clinical Trials / Research Studies
Clinical Trials / Research Studies

Study for Adults 18 to 50 Years Old

Why are we doing this research?

We want to learn more about Shigella, a common bacterial cause of diarrhea worldwide. Knowledge from this study may be helpful in developing Shigella vaccines in the future.

Who can participate?

Adults 18 to 50 years old in generally good health.


  • Adult Studies
  • Healthy Adults

What will happen in the study?

This study includes health screening, one study vaccine shot, admission to our extended stay research unit up to 10 days about a month after the study vaccine shot, complete several follow-up visits and phone calls.

Here are some of the things that will happen in this study:

You will:

  • Answer questions about your health, past or present illnesses, and medications
  • Have a physical exam which includes height, weight and vital signs
  • Provide blood, urine and stool samples
  • If eligible after screening, receive 1 study vaccine shot in the outpatient research clinic, be admitted to the extended stay research unit up to 10 days about a month after the study vaccine shot
  • Drink a dose of the Shigella germs about a month after the study vaccine shot to see if the vaccination protected you from illness. We will be sure the Shigella germs are out of your body before you go home from the extended stay research unit

During the stay in the extended stay research unit, study staff will be available at all times to care for you.

Adults interested in participating in this study will be given a consent form that thoroughly explains all of the details of the study. A member of the study staff will review the consent form with you and will be sure that all of your questions are answered.

What are the good things that can happen from this research?

There is no direct benefit to you for participating in this study. However, when we complete the study, we hope to know more about Shigella infections which may be helpful in developing future Shigella vaccines.

What are the bad things that can happen from this research?

Possible risks and discomforts will be discussed with those interested in learning more about the study.

Will you/your child be paid to be in this research study?

Participants may receive up to approximately $4400 to complete the study over approximately 7 months.


Contact Us.

Gamble Program for Clinical Studies
Infectious Diseases
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
3333 Burnet Ave.
Cincinnati, OH 45229-3039 NCT# NCT06615375

Study Doctor

Contact Us.

Robert Frenck
Infectious Diseases
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center