Cincinnati Children’s is conducting a research study, sometimes known as a clinical trial or clinical study, to improve our understanding of brain development and the development of learning difficulties, language delays, and hearing loss in preterm infants. We would like to compare healthy, full-term results with the results from those born preterm.
Healthy infants 1 to 5 months old and children 24 to 30 months old born full-term may participate in this study.
This study includes 1 visit to Cincinnati Children’s Hospital lasting approximately 2 to 3 hours. These are the things that will happen to your child while in the study:
Your 1- to 5-month-old infant will have a/an:
Your 24- to 30-month-old child will have a:
You as a parent will be asked to complete questionnaires and/or surveys.
You and your child will be given a consent form that thoroughly explains the details of the study. A member of the study staff will review the consent form with you and will be sure that your questions are answered.
Your child may not have a direct benefit from participating in this study. However, we hope to learn more information about brain development and general development in preterm infants and toddlers compared to full term infants and toddlers.
It is not expected that you or your child will be exposed to any risk by participating in this research study. Your child may experience fatigue during assessments or mild temporary discomfort due to the soft probes or sensors used during the hearing test.
A detailed list of possible side effects will be provided to those participants, parents or guardians interested in knowing more about this study.
$100 plus possible travel reimbursement for families traveling greater than 50 miles (one way).
Jody Caldwell-Kurtzman
513- 503-9449
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
3333 Burnet Ave.
Cincinnati, OH 45229-3039
Lisa Hunter, PhD
Communication Sciences
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center