Cincinnati Children’s is conducting a research study to see if listening to specific sounds (called auditory entrainment) can help improve learning and sensory symptoms in children with FXS. ASD controls are needed for comparison.
Children/adolescents 5 to 15 years old who have a diagnosis of FXS or ASD may be eligible to participate.
This study includes 4 visits to Cincinnati Children’s, each lasting approximately 4 hours. Here are some of the things that will happen in this study:
Your child will have a/an:
You, as the parent or guardian will:
You will be given a consent form that thoroughly explains all of the details of the study. A member of the study staff will review the consent form with you and will be sure that all of your questions are answered.
Your child may not receive any direct benefit from participating in this research study.
However, as part of this research study, your child will receive medical, neurological and psychological examinations, and EEG brain scans at no charge to you or your insurance company. At your request, we will give you and your physician copies of your child’s test results for your records. You will be able to share these results with anyone you choose.
There are minimal risks to this study, including mild discomfort with testing procedures and potential loss of confidentiality. We will discuss all possible risks or discomforts with those interested in learning more about the study.
Participants will receive $50 for each completed visit, up to $200 for time and effort.
Ernest V. Pedapati, MD, MS, FAAP
Division of Psychiatry and Neurology
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center