Clinical Trials / Research Studies
Clinical Trials / Research Studies

Study for Healthy Children and Teens 3 to 17 Years Old

Why are we doing this research?

Cincinnati Children's is conducting a research study, sometimes known as a clinical trial or clinical study, to learn more about people’s risk of common health conditions such as diabetes and heart disease and use the information to help improve healthcare.

Who can participate?

Healthy children and teens 3 to 17 years old. One or more parent(s) 18 to 75 years old may be eligible to participate.


  • Healthy Infants, Children and Adolescent Studies

What will happen in the study?

We will first ask you to sign a consent form. Participants will be asked to give a blood and/or saliva sample to test their DNA (genetic information). The study will ask for family history, medical history, and access to your Cincinnati Children’s or UC Health medical records. The collected information will be used to create a disease risk report that you and your doctor will receive. Participants will also complete surveys and study procedures periodically over the span of approximately 2 years. If you or your child are at increased risk, your doctor can help you understand what you can do to reduce your risk.

What are the good things that can happen from this research?

Learning your child’s disease risk and things that can be done to lower your child’s risk may feel empowering. Following your doctor’s recommendations to lower risk may prevent disease from occurring. You will learn more about potential benefits during the informed consent process.

What are the bad things that can happen from this research?

Learning your child’s disease risk and things that can be done to lower your child’s risk may feel overwhelming. You will learn more about potential risks during the informed consent process.

Will you/your child be paid to be in this research study?

Participants will receive up to $100 for study procedures. This includes $40 for your time and effort providing consent, completing surveys, and providing samples, along with $30 for completing surveys about 6 months after receiving your disease risk reports. Participants will receive an additional $30 if they complete an optional follow up interview approximately x months after the final surveys.


Contact Us.

Study Team
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
3333 Burnet Ave.
Cincinnati, OH 45229-3039

Study Doctor

Contact Us.

Cindy Prows, MSN, APRN
Divisions of Human Genetics and Patient Services
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center