The main reason for this research study is to see if a new topical (applied to the skin) formulation of sirolimus, PTX-022, is safe and effective in treating microcystic lymphatic malformation, sometimes called blebs, on the skin. Sirolimus belongs to a group of medicines called mTOR inhibitors, wh ...More
The main reason for this research study is to test the safety, side effects, and efficacy (how well the drug works) of an experimental study drug called TARA-002 that is being developed for treating Lymphatic Malformations (LMs). ...More
The purpose of this study is to learn more about Sturge-Weber Syndrome (SWS). By studying patients with SWS, we hope to understand how SWS vascular malformations lead to clinical symptoms, to identify which patients are at-risk for these symptoms, and to learn which treatment strategies could be pre ...More
By conducting these studies, researchers hope to learn more about and come up with better treatments for vascular anomalies. ...More
In this research study we want to learn more about the presentation, treatment and progression of Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia (HHT) in patients that are seen at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center (CCHMC). ...More
While vascular anomalies are rare diseases, they can be life-threatening and devastating to affected patients and their families. Our understanding of vascular anomalies, and in turn their treatments, can be greatly improved if non-invasive biomarkers can be identified. The goal of this research stu ...More
The goal of this research study is to better understand rare vascular tumors and malformations. There is little information available about the long-term effects of these lesions or the most effective treatments. We are conducting a research study to better understand these vascular lesions. We aim ...More
The purpose of this research study is to collect information on the natural course of benign vascular tumors and their response to treatment. This study data information may also be used to track the outcomes of various treatments, to determine which ones are the most helpful, and for future benign ...More
The main goal of this study is to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of PTX-022, a new once-daily topical formulation, in helping people with Microcystic Lymphatic Malformations (mLM). ...More
Cincinnati Children’s is involved in research because it is very important to understanding diseases and developing ways to prevent and treat health problems in children, as well as adults. Learn more about how you can help. Contact us at or 513-636-0098. Or, enroll in our database to be notified about future studies by completing an online sign up form.
The Office for Clinical and Translational Research at Cincinnati Children’s provides sponsors and investigators with comprehensive support services, research tools, personnel and facilities to conduct or facilitate pediatric and adult clinical research studies. Contact us at or 513-636-0314.