Oncology Handbook | Inpatient Care

Inpatient Care

At Cincinnati Children's, we put patients first.

What you need to know when you are an inpatient in the cancer unit at Cincinnati Children's.

  • Caregivers must wear ID cards at all times. ID cards are recycled at the A1 Welcome Center at discharge.
  • Patients must wear ID band at all times. When a patient leaves the floor he/she must sign out at the front desk and must also wear a purple sticker.
  • Patients are not allowed out of their rooms if in isolation (excluding protective isolation) or if they have a fever. (Exception: tests, procedures, approved Child Life private time)
  • Only nurses may turn off / silence pumps and monitors.

Unit Rooms

  • Wash hands when going in/out of the patient’s room.
  • Furniture is not to be rearranged or removed from the room. For safety reasons, personal items cannot be on the nurse server.
  • Decorations cannot be on the window of the room’s entry door or hanging on medical equipment.
  • Appliances and devices, including personal fans, heaters, crock pots, lamps, and Christmas lights, cannot be plugged into wall outlets.
  • Fresh flowers and/or plants are not allowed on the unit.
  • For the safety of the patient, do not cover the “staff call speakers” that are on the wall or the monitor.
  • To limit clutter and ensure cleanliness, only use the closet and bedside table to store items. Environmental Services cannot move personal items to complete daily cleaning. 

Parent / Caregiver Lounge

  • Wash hands when entering and exiting the lounge.
  • Parents and caregivers should only use the lounge on the unit they are located.
  • All food must be placed in sealed plastic bags (located next to the fridge). A provided label (in binder near the microwave) must be attached to the bag. Label with name, date, and room number with marker.
  • Any food passed expiration date or not in plastic bag will be thrown away. 


  • All caregivers / visitors must be healthy. Visitors will be screened at the front desk.
  • Visitors less than 14 years of age will have their temperatures checked.
  • Patients / parents / caregivers / visitors should not go into other patient rooms.
  • Up to four primary support persons (parents, guardians, spouse) may receive 24-hour access to patient room.
  • Up to two support persons may stay overnight (must be older than 18 years of age).
  • Up to six individuals (family members, friends) may be identified to visit during each admission.
  • Additional family and friends can share their support by making a video call, sending a free e-greeting card or old-fashioned mail, following social media, or by calling the gift shop or concierge service Best Upon Request.

The whiteboard is a communication tool designed to facilitate the consistent sharing of information among the patient and/or family, nurse, and extended care team. It will be utilized to identify the care team for the shift, the plan of care for the shift, and any additional, essential patient care information.

Every morning a team of doctors, nurses, pharmacists, dietitians and social workers perform healthcare rounds. Families and patients are encouraged to take part in daily morning rounds. This is a great opportunity to ask the team any questions you might have. Doctors and nurses are available 24 hours a day to answer any questions or concerns.

Throughout each shift, nursing staff will obtain vital signs (heart rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure, temperature and oxygen saturation), conduct head-to-toe assessments, administer ordered medications, inquire about intake and output, education and answer questions, and complete various other patient-specific tasks (for example, dressing changes, site assessments). At a minimum, the nurse will be in the patient room every hour. It is important to note that many tasks are time-specific.

ADL 1-2-3

Nursing Care Teams

Each patient has a Nursing Care Team, which helps improve continuity of care. If you would like a nurse to be added to your care team, simply ask the nurse, the health unit coordinator (HUC), or a clinical nurse manager to update your team. 


The aim of both OT and PT is to help you stay strong and active so you are ready to return to activities you love. 

  • OT will focus on activities that help you be as independent as possible with your self-care (including bathing, dressing) and activities that interest you.
  • PT will help you continue to move and keep your strength throughout your hospital stay.

30-Day Room Change

Around every 30 days we will ask you to move rooms. The goal is to be able to provide you with the cleanest space possible over a long period of time, including a new bed / crib.


Clean hands protect everyone. Our goal is to have families play their part in keeping patients safe. Germs are everywhere. Help us stop germs from spreading by cleaning your hands. We care about you and your child’s health. Doctors, nurses, friends, family, and you … everyone who enters and exits your child’s room should clean their hands. Help us keep germs in their place. It’s OK to ask. Not sure if your care provider has cleaned their hands? Please ask. We value hand hygiene.