Clinical Laboratories
CBDI Clinical Laboratories | Erythrocyte Diagnostic Lab

Erythrocyte Diagnostic Laboratory

The Erythrocyte Diagnostic Laboratory (EDL) provides comprehensive (protein, cellular and genetic), state-of-the-art testing for the diagnosis and therapeutic monitoring of patients with red blood cell (RBC) disorders.

The EDL is integrated into the Division of Hematology in the Cancer and Blood Diseases Institute at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. Laboratory testing is offered in combination with comprehensive consulting and interpretation provided by nationally recognized, board-certified pediatric hematologists.

The laboratory services provided by the EDL aid in the diagnosis of hematologic disorders including hemoglobinopathies, thalassemias, RBC membrane disorders, RBC enzymopathies, and hereditary hemolytic and dyserythropoietic anemias. In partnership with the Molecular Genetics Laboratory, we also provide comprehensive genetic testing for these hematologic disorders. Hemoglobin A1c testing is also provided by the EDL. See our comprehensive test menu and testing algorithms.

The EDL participates in the College of American Pathologists (CAP) Laboratory Accreditation Program and has Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) certification through the Centers of Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). See our CLIA and CAP certificates.

Contact Us

Phone: 513-636-4685
Fax: 513-636-3861

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Molecular Genetic Testing

The Molecular Genetics Laboratory at Cincinnati Children’s combines state-of-the-art testing with comprehensive interpretation of results by nationally recognized, board-certified pediatric hematologists, geneticists and genetic counselors for thalassemias and hemoglobinopathies.