Esophageal Atresia Surgery Helps Dario Make Progress
Dario is a chatty fifth grader who likes playing video games and has a keen interest in natural disasters. When he was born, his esophagus was incomplete. Surgery at Cincinnati Children’s has allowed him to enjoy eating foods by mouth, which he previously wasn’t able to do.
Dario Zapata was born with esophageal atresia, one of many birth defects that eventually resulted in a diagnosis of VACTERL association. Esophageal atresia occurs when the esophagus does not fully form and fails to connect the mouth to the stomach. It causes both breathing and feeding problems.
After three surgeries elsewhere to treat his esophageal atresia, Dario’s parents, Isain and Ileana, brought Dario to Cincinnati Children’s for a second opinion when he was 7 years old. “Cincinnati Children’s had a very unified team with several specialists in the Aerodigestive and Esophageal Center,” Ileana says. “Also, good communication with the team was very important to me, and we found that here. I was able to get in touch with someone any time we had a question.”
Here, at ages 7 and 8, Dario underwent two additional surgeries to repair his esophageal atresia, both with Daniel von Allmen, MD, leading the team. “Esophageal surgery is not ‘one procedure fits all.’ We study each child and their physiology to determine the best approach to take,” says Dr. von Allmen, a pediatric surgeon who has been with Cincinnati Children’s since 2009.
For Dario, his esophageal tissue was damaged and very delicate. His first surgery here was very challenging and the year after was full of complications. Dario’s care team and the Zapatas continued to work together to find a solution that would be successful for Dario.
During his most recent surgery, our surgeons cut out the damaged portion of Dario’s esophagus and reconnected it. “That went beautifully,” his mom says. “He spent less than 10 days in the hospital and recovered well. When we went home, he started eating afterwards. That was the first time in his life that he was able to eat by mouth safely.”