Medication Adherence Promotion (MAP)
Authors and Acknowledgements

Authors and Acknowledgements

The development of this Adherence Training Webpage has been funded by a Vertex Pharmaceuticals Incorporated (“Vertex”).  The design of, and content and materials on, this webpage have been independently developed by the Center for Treatment Adherence and Self-Management at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center and are neither sponsored, endorsed, administered by, nor otherwise associated with Vertex.

Contributing Author List:

Ray Bignall

Sandra Cortina

Lori Crosby

Dennis Drotar

Brittany Edmondson

Melissa From

Jasmine Henderson

Kevin Hommel

Melissa Kataoka

Kristin Loiselle

Avani Modi (Co-Lead)

Ahna Pai

John E. Pascoe

Rachelle Ramsey

Jamie Ryan

Maxx Somers (Co-Lead)

Laura Strahlendorf

Janalee Taylor (Co-Lead)


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Module 4