Michael Fisher to return as CEO in September

Michael Fisher, president and CEO, had good news to share with staff last month: He is in remission from cancer. Fisher was diagnosed with lymphoma on March 23 and has been on medical leave since then.
“I can’t tell you how grateful Suzette, our family and I are for this incredible news,” he said. “Equally so, I am grateful to all of you and especially Steve Davis and the Performance Leadership Team for keeping Cincinnati Children’s humming. I appreciate you keeping the focus on our patients and families, advancing science, and doing great education and outreach into our community.”
Fisher will return to Cincinnati Children’s as the CEO on Monday, September 24.
“If I had any doubt about coming back, I recently had a chance to go out to Camp Joy and visit with our patients who were there for the Cancer and Blood Diseases camp,” he said. “What an inspiration they are! Not only were they having a great time just being kids, not only were former patients now counselors helping the younger kids, but they also uplifted me with their message of support and encouragement. I knew then that returning to the Cincinnati Children’s family was what I needed to do.”
Fisher also thanked everyone for the outpouring of support during his recovery. “It has meant so much to me and my family,” he said.