Cincinnati Children’s well-represented at PAS

In early May, Cincinnati Children’s was again well-represented at the Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) Annual Meeting, held this year in San Francisco. More than 80 Cincinnati Children’s colleagues presented their work during the four-day meeting, discussing topics from neonatal abstinence syndrome to virtual reality and everything in between.

Twenty-five faculty members also devoted time to represent Cincinnati Children’s in the exhibit booth to further share their expertise and build relationships with other conference attendees. As is the tradition at PAS, the Alumni Association hosted a reception for alumni and friends of Cincinnati Children’s on Saturday evening. More than 140 people gathered for the occasion, which was hosted by Sue Poynter, MD, MEd, director, Pediatric Residency Training Program, along with Tom Dewitt, MD, director, General and Community Pediatrics, and his wife, Flo.

Peggy Hostetter, MD, chair of Pediatrics, and director, Cincinnati Children’s Research Foundation, took the gathering as an opportunity to recognize the many awards presented to Cincinnati Children’s colleagues during the meeting and to express her appreciation for their dedication to pediatric medicine. The 2018 PAS Annual Meeting will be held in Toronto next May.

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Staff Bulletin.
Faculty, alumni and friends from Emergency Services gathered to swap stories and catch up.
Staff Bulletin.
(L-r) Neonatologists Jennifer Brady, MD, Cincinnati Children’s; Tami Stuart, MD, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia; Elizabeth Enlow, MD, MS, Cincinnati Children’s; and Jim Greenberg, MD, co-director, Perinatal Institute at Cincinnati Children’s.
Staff Bulletin.
(L-r) Cincinnati Children's alumnae Elaine Huang, MD, and Julia Kim, MD; Rob Harper, EdD; Greg Szumlas, MD, and Adrienne Henize, from General and Community Pediatrics.
Staff Bulletin.
Tom DeWitt, MD, director, General and Community Pediatrics, with his wife, Flo (l), and Sue Poynter, MD, MEd, director, Pediatric Residency Training Program.
Staff Bulletin.
Lou Muglia, MD, PhD, co-director, Perinatal Institute, at Cincinnati Children’s (r), chats with Tom Robinson, MD, professor of pediatrics and Medicine Solutions Science Lab, at Stanford University.
Staff Bulletin.
Physician and author John Hutton, MS, MD, chats with booth visitors about the effects of reading on brain function and ways to promote literacy, especially in disadvantaged populations.
Staff Bulletin.
Joe Real, MD, General and Community Pediatrics (l); and Matt Zackoff, MD, Critical Care Medicine, enjoyed the chance to relax at the reception for alumni and friends of the medical center.
Staff Bulletin.
Maria Britto, MD, MPH, director, Center for Innovation in Chronic Disease Care (l), caught up with Rich Azizkhan, MD, and his wife, Geralyn, at the Alumni Association reception.
Staff Bulletin.
Mona Mansour, MD, MS, director, Primary Care (l), and Melissa Klein, MD, MEd, Education Section director.