CPS update
The Cincinnati Pediatric Society will sponsor a Grand Rounds presentation at 8 am on Tuesday, August 22, in memory of Zachary Stultz, son of Michelle Stultz, senior director, Medical Staff Services, and her husband, Gail. The topic is “Suicide Prevention,” with speakers Richard Gilman, PhD, psychologist, Cincinnati Children’s; and Kathleen Chard, PhD, director, Trauma Recovery Center, Cincinnati VA Medical Center.
Mark your calendar for the Lyon Lecture, September 5, “Media’s Impact on Youth Sexuality,” Gail Dines, PhD, professor, Sociology and Women’s Studies, Wheelock College, Boston, MA.
You’ll find information about these events and more at the CPS website: http://www.cincinnatipediatricsociety.com/. You can also follow us on Facebook.