Healthcare Professionals
Sign-ups for Walk Start This Month

Sign-ups for Walk Start This Month


Mark your calendar for September 24. That’s when Cincinnati Children’s will host the 11th annual Cincinnati Walks for Kids!

The walk brings together co-workers, friends, families, donors and, most importantly, our patient-families to celebrate and raise funds for the medical center. We hope you’ll join us for this fun, quarter-mile walk through the Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden – and you can count on all the great family-friendly activities of previous years, like face painting, train rides, animal encounters and more!

Registration opens in mid-July. Beginning then, you can visit the Cincinnati Walks for Kids website to join a team (or start your own!) and set fundraising goals. You’ll receive a Cincinnati Walks for Kids T-shirt, a personal fundraising page, free parking and admission to the zoo for the evening. As always, you get to designate which division or program in the hospital will receive the funds you raise.

Medical staff members can check CenterLink for more info. Together, we’ll celebrate all the ways that Cincinnati Children’s is changing the outcome!

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2016 Cincinnati Walks for Kids