Visiting Guidelines
Inpatient Visits
Visiting Hours: 8:30 am – 8:30 pm
You will be asked to list the names of the people who may visit your child during their stay. Only the people listed may visit. Additionally, inpatient visitors are screened for respiratory illness and COVID symptoms when they arrive at a badging station.
Who can visit
- Two primary support people (usually parents) with 24/7 visitor access.
- Siblings or children of adult patients (biological, foster or step) living in the patient’s home. They may see the patient during visiting hours.
- Up to four additional visitors. They may see the patient during visiting hours. An adult must be present with minor visitors at all times.
Additional family and friends may share their support virtually. Up to four people can be in the patient’s room at one time, and one of those visitors must be an adult.
If your family situation changes or you are having challenges receiving and providing support for your child, request Social Work assistance. When there are domestic/custody issues, social workers may work with families to ensure equitable visitation.
Sleeping arrangements for 24/7 primary support visitors vary by unit. Rooms have a fold-out bed for at least one person. No one may sleep on the floor, as this poses a safety risk to you, your loved one and our staff. For help making sleeping arrangements outside of the hospital, contact Concierge Services at 513-636-5009 or toll free at 888-894-1374.