
Blog Launched to Engage in Conversation About Public Health Issues

Monday, November 09, 2009

A new blog – Change the Outcome – has been launched by Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center in hopes of engaging in an on-line dialogue about important issues in pediatric health.

The blog, which launched Oct. 15, will focus on matters of public health policy, health care reform, hospital quality and transformation and the business of health care.

A blog – shortened from Web-log – is a type of Website written in journal fashion that allows users to share opinions and discuss various topics in the form of an online dialogue between authors and readers, who offer their own comments.

The Cincinnati Children’s blog is being written by a variety of people from throughout the medical center. James M. Anderson, president and CEO wrote the first post, “Win Win, Health Care Reform from Within.”

The vision of the blog is “to engage in a robust conversation about ways to ‘change the outcome’ — by promoting greater safety and quality of medical care; by debating the options and consequences of health care reform; by researching and interpreting health care public policy questions; and by investigating and fostering greater understanding why all of these things make good business sense,” according to an introduction published on the blog.

Suggestions for topics, comments on postings or ideas about how to improve healthcare and “change the outcome” are welcome at the blog. It can be found at or from the front page of the Cincinnati Children’s Web site,

Contact Information

Thomas McCormally, 513-636-9682,