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Video Swallow Study (VSS)

What is Fluoroscopy?

Fluoroscopy is a type of imaging that uses X-ray pictures to look inside the body. Like a video, these pictures are real-time, live, moving images.

What is a Video Swallow Study?

A VSS uses X-rays to take pictures of your child's throat while eating and drinking. It lets the doctor and speech pathologist (therapist) look at how your child swallows.

Before the Exam

Your child must have nothing to eat or drink for three hours before the procedure. If your child receives tube feedings, they should be stopped three hours prior to the test. You may provide medications during the three-hour no-eating period if needed.

If your child has an insulin pump / glucose sensor, it must be removed for the procedure. You will need to bring supplies to the appointment.

Please bring your child’s eating utensils (cups, bottle with their current nipple and different nipple flow rates—faster and slower than the current rate, etc). Also bring favorite food and liquid choices including:

  • Liquid: water, milk, juice or PediaSure® etc.
  • Puree: items such as applesauce or yogurt
  • Solid: items such as crackers, meat, noodles, etc.

If your child struggles with a particular food, please bring that as well.

If you have questions about the swallow study, please call the Radiology Department (513) 636-6386 or your therapist.

During the Exam

Your child will be put into a special chair that will adjust to a position they use for eating or drinking at home (such as sitting or lying down).

Food will be mixed with a fruit-flavored liquid called barium. It is necessary to mix the barium with the foods and liquids so that it will show up on the X-rays.

You or another family member may be asked to feed the child the barium-prepared items so that they are more comfortable during the test.

A therapist will be there during the test. The therapist may ask your child to change position or try different textured foods / liquids to help find the safest and best way for your child to eat.

The test usually takes 30 to 45 minutes to complete.

Siblings and other children will not be allowed in the exam room. Please make arrangements for other children as we are unable to provide childcare.

After the Exam

When all of the X-ray pictures are taken, the radiologist and the therapist will review the results with you.

Your child may return to normal daily activities, including eating, as soon as the study is finished.

A written report of the results will be sent to your child’s doctor. If there are changes recommended in your child’s diet because of the results of the study, your doctor or therapist will contact you with the results. The results will also be available on MyChart.

It is possible that your child’s stool (poop) may appear lighter or whitish in color for 24 to 48 hours after the test due to the barium swallowed. This is not cause for concern. Encouraging your child to drink fluids will allow their stool to return to normal within a short time.

Last Updated 10/2024

Reviewed By Susan Smith, Radiology Manager
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