Health Library
Stickler Syndrome

What is Stickler Syndrome?

Stickler syndrome is a genetic condition that impacts several areas of the body. Facial development, vision, hearing, and joints are impacted the most. Many people with this condition are sometimes born with a cleft palate, which is an opening in the roof of the mouth. A small jaw (micrognathia) is also common. This can place the tongue further back in the mouth, which can cause obstructive sleep apnea. A small jaw and obstructive sleep apnea together are called Pierre Robin sequence. Some children with Stickler syndrome may have differences in their skeleton and joints, including early onset arthritis.

There are different types of Stickler syndrome that can make certain symptoms more likely than others. The type (type 1, type 2 or type 3) depends on the gene involved.

Last Updated 05/2024

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