What is Pyogenic Granuloma (PG)?
Pyogenic granuloma (pahy-uh-jen-ik gran-yuh-loh-muh), also called PG, is a benign (noncancerous) skin growth that does not hurt.
A PG starts out as a small red bump but enlarges very quickly, often in a couple of weeks. It may bleed easily because it has many blood vessels.
PGs are more common in children and young adults and are usually seen on the head, neck, upper body, hands or feet.
PG has no known cause, but some do show up after minor injuries or burns.
Signs and Symptoms
- Starts as a pinhead-sized growth that quickly enlarges to between ⅛ inch and ¾ inch, sometimes getting as big as two inches
- May be red, brown-red, or blue-black in color
- May have either smooth or rough surface and some may feel moist
- May bleed easily
- Painless
The surgeon can usually identify a PG by looking at it and reviewing your symptoms. Since pyogenic granulomas are similar to other kinds of lesions, the surgeon may order a biopsy to help identify it.
Most small PGs go away with no treatment. If a PG bleeds a lot or is very large, a plastic surgeon will remove it.