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Intrapulmonary Percussive Ventilator (IPV)

What is an Intrapulmonary Percussive Ventilation (IPV)?

Intrapulmonary Percussive Ventilation (IPV) provides high-frequency percussion (bursts of air) to help move mucus and help in expanding the lungs. It is commonly used for patients with cystic fibrosis or patients on a mechanical ventilator.

Description of IPV

IPV sends small, fast bursts of air that help air get around and behind trapped mucus to open the airways and lungs. These small bursts of air also loosen and free mucus from airway walls. A continuous aerosol mist helps make mucus less sticky.

Instructions to Perform IPV Treatment

Prepare the machine for therapy.

  • Set Operational Pressure between 30 to 35 psi.
  • Add prescribed medications (e.g. hypertonic saline) or normal saline to phasitron nebulizer cup (max of 20mL). Add additional normal saline to cup as needed to maintain continuous aerosol mist for duration of treatment.
  • Frequency settings and cycle time can vary by person and condition. Below are two common treatment settings:
CF / Bronchiestasis Patient: 5 minutes per cycle, total treatment length is 25 minutes
Cycle Target Frequency Position of Percussion Knob
1 300 cycles / min Turn black arrow fully counterclockwise
2 250 cycles / min Turn black arrow to the 9 o'clock position
3 200 cycles / min Turn black arrow to the 12 o'clock position
4 150 cycles / min Turn black arrow to the 3 o'clock position
5 100 cycles / min Turn black arrow fully clockwise


Standard Treatment or Ventilator Patient: 10 minutes per cycle, total treatment length is 20 minutes
Cycle Target Frequency Position of Percussion Knob
1 300 cycles / min Turn black arrow fully counterclockwise
2 200 cycles / min Turn black arrow to the 12 o'clock position


  1. Perform a safety check before placing the mouthpiece or mask on your child. Turn machine on while occluding phasitron circuit and confirm proper operation and pressures, then turn it off.
  2. Make sure your child has a good seal with the mouthpiece or mask before beginning the treatment.
  3. Turn the system on and have your child breathe normally through the mouth. The nebulizer will start once the machine is turned on.
  4. Keep breathing normally, holding your cheeks tight, during the entire cycle.
  5. Turn the machine off between cycles.
  6. Perform two to three sets of Huff coughing. Children whose doctor ordered cough assist treatments will use this in place of a huff cough.
  7. Complete all cycles, allowing time for huff coughs or suctioning after each cycle and during cycles as needed.

Cleaning the IPV

  • After each use, rinse the phasitron, including nebulizer cup, with sterile water and air dry on a clean paper towel.
  • Wipe down the tubing and machine.
  • For home use: at the end of day, wash with fragrance-free liquid soap, rinse with sterile water, and air dry on a clean paper towel.

Last Updated 02/2025

Reviewed By Carolina Sprinkle BS, RRT-NPS

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