What Should You Include in a First Aid Kit for Traveling?
Cincinnati Children's recommends the following items be considered when building your first aid kit for travel:
- Resealable plastic bag (use as a makeshift ice bag) or cold packs
- Children's Tylenol® / ibuprofen (with appropriate dosing information for your child's age and weight)
- Emergency contacts & phone numbers
- Antibacterial scrub or soap, used to clean small abrasions or cuts
- Electrical outlet covers
- Dramamine / Benadryl / Imodium
- Assorted Band-Aids
- Gauze
- Antibiotic ointment
- Ace bandage
- Tweezers
- Sunblock / sunscreen
- Prescription medicines
- Hydrogen peroxide
- Adhesive tape
- Insect repellent
- Aloe vera gel
- Latex-free gloves
- Barrier device for CPR