Establishing an Exercise and Activity Plan
Daily exercise is a good way to spend time with family and friends.
- Every day, children should do at least 60 minutes of exercise that is fitting for age, fun and involves different types of activities.
- Choose activities that are aerobic and make bones and muscles stronger.
- Daily exercise doesn’t need to be done all at once. Your child can exercise five to ten minutes at a time, throughout the day, to add up to 60 minutes.
Aerobic Activity
Strengthens Muscles
Promotes Bone Strength and Growth
Playing on playground
Climbing trees
Lifting weights
Resistance bands
Jump rope
Aerobic exercise:
- Continuous movement that makes your breathing and heart beat get faster.
- Improves fitness and helps prevent heart disease.
- Some exercise should be vigorous, where your child plays hard enough to get sweaty or out of breath.
Daily exercise is part of being healthy. Some children can exercise too much. If your child begins losing too much weight or if exercise interferes with school and other activities, talk with your child's doctor.