What is an Eye Exam Under Anesthesia?
An exam under anesthesia (EUA) is an examination of a patient while they are under anesthesia. In this case, the exam is performed on the eyes.
The doctor orders an EUA when a patient is unable to tolerate a complete eye exam within an outpatient clinic setting. This may be due to the patient's age, developmental level or level of cooperation. An EUA is performed in the operating room while the patient is under general anesthesia.
Before the Procedure
A few days before the procedure, a nurse from the same day surgery department will call you to confirm what time your child should arrive at the hospital on the day of the procedure. They will also review when it is time to stop solid food and liquids and will review your child’s medications with you.
Bring a complete list of all medicines your child takes as well as a physical exam form that has been completed by your child's primary care physician within 30 days prior to the procedure.
If your child has prescription eye drops or ointment, they will most likely use these medicines the night before the surgery and the morning of the surgery, especially if they are used to treat glaucoma. However, you should verify this with the eye clinic staff prior to the day of surgery.
On the day of the procedure your child should dress in comfortable clothing. No jewelry or fingernail polish should be worn.
A doctor or nurse practitioner from the anesthesia department will talk to you about the anesthesia on the day of surgery. They will be available to answer any questions you may have.
Your child may receive eye drops in one or both eyes to dilate them. This may occur before or after going to the operating room.
During the Procedure
The procedure will take place in the operating room.
Your child will be asleep for the entire procedure and will not feel pain or any sensations. They will be monitored by nurses and doctors throughout the entire procedure.
The examination may consist of an intraocular eye pressure measurement (pressure inside the eye), a complete eye examination, including a refraction (to check for any type of refractive error or need for glasses) and an examination of the inner and outer structures of the eye. The procedure takes between 10 and 40 minutes.
After the Procedure
The doctor will speak to you as soon as they have completed the procedure. They will provide information and any care or follow-up instructions.
Your child will be taken to the recovery room where a nurse will monitor vital signs and make sure your child is comfortable.
After your child wakes, they will be offered fluids. The nurse will notify you, and you will be able to see your child in the recovery room.
Your child should not have any pain, although some children and infants may be fussy, tired or disoriented. They may experience some nausea or vomiting from the anesthesia.
Diet and Activity
Your child should start with a clear liquid diet, which may include sugar water, Gatorade, Kool-Aid, Jell-O, apple juice, soft drinks or breast milk. Your child may move on to solids as soon as they can tolerate them.
There are generally no activity restrictions after an EUA. Your child may be tired and unsteady due to the anesthesia, so adult supervision is recommended for a few hours after the procedure.