What is Eyelid Cyst Removal (Chalazion Excision)?
There are small oil-producing glands, called meibomian glands, that are located in the upper and lower eyelids. If oil becomes trapped within these glands, they become inflamed and create a cyst (chalazion). A cyst may go away on its own or with warm compresses.
People who have a cyst are often prone to getting more in the future, either at the same site or other areas of the eyelids. An ophthalmologist may decide to remove the cyst (chalazion excision) if it persists.
Before the Procedure
A few days prior to surgery, a nurse from Same Day Surgery will call to confirm what time your child should arrive at the hospital, and they will review your child’s medicines with you.
The night before surgery, make sure to follow the eating and drinking instructions given to you. Remove any fingernail polish your child may be wearing.
On the day of the procedure, have your child dress in comfortable clothing and leave any jewelry at home. Make sure to bring the following with you:
- complete list of the child's medicines
- completed physical exam form filled out by your child’s primary care physician within 30 days prior to the procedure
Once at the hospital, a doctor or nurse from the Anesthesia Department will talk to you about the anesthesia and answer any questions you may have.
During the Procedure
The procedure takes place in the operating room. Your child is asleep for the entire procedure and will not feel pain or any other sensations. Staff will monitor your child throughout the procedure.
A small cut (incision) is made, usually on the underside of the eyelid. The inflamed tissue is scooped out with special instruments and dissolvable sutures are used to stitch the incision.
After the Procedure
Your child may receive eye ointment, depending on where the incision was made. The doctor will talk with you about this medicine and any needed follow-up after the surgery. Your child may have eye pads as a dressing after the surgery.