How Do You Perform CPR and Rescue Breathing on Infants with Tracheostomy (Newborn to 1 Year)?
You arrive on the scene: Check the scene for safety
Check the infant for consciousness. Gently tap the shoulder or flick the bottom of the heel and shout.
No Response
Call 911 immediately.
If the infant is lying on his stomach, turn him over onto his back. The infant should be lying on a hard flat surface
Check for Breathing and Signs of Life
Watch the infant’s chest for any normal movement. Look for signs of life and breathing for no more than 10 seconds.
No Breathing or Signs of Life
Begin CPR
1. Position two or three fingers on the center of the infant’s breastbone, just below the nipple line.
2. Compress the chest 1½ inches in depth 30 times.
3. After the compressions, give two breaths using the resuscitation bag attached to the trach. Gently squeeze the bag and give two breaths – just enough to make the infant’s chest rise.
4. Continue with 30 compressions and two breaths; 30 compressions and two breaths, etc.
If Breaths Do Not Make Chest Rise
a. Suction the trach tube. If the trach has an inner cannula, remove it and suction the length of the trach tube.
b. Change the trach if it is plugged or dislodged.
c. Give two breaths to the trach, using a resuscitation bag.
Continue CPR until another rescuer takes over, you see signs of life or help arrives.
Contact Us
For additional information, call the CPR Department at 513-636-1096, or call your pediatrician.Education Opportunities
The Center for Simulation and Research at Cincinnati Children’s offers CPR classes for patient families. Call 513-636-3588 for more information.