Sincerely Yours

When our daughter Joslyn was born, no one could prepare us for what was to come.

Our beautiful girl couldn’t breathe. Doctors in the delivery room at our birthing hospital stabilized her and rushed her to Cincinnati Children’s, where they knew she’d get the best possible care. 

We learned that Joslyn had a number of rare conditions. Her esophagus was not connected to her stomach, her stomach was connected to her lungs, and she had a tethered spinal cord.

My husband and I were terrified. All we could think was, What if our baby girl doesn’t make it?

But rare diseases aren’t so rare at Cincinnati Children’s. It isn’t just the best hospital in the area for Joslyn’s needs—it’s the best place in the world. There are only 12 surgeons across the globe who perform the surgery our baby girl needed. Four of them are right here in our backyard. 

At just 5 years old, our brave little one has endured 45 surgeries, and thanks to the dedicated care providers at Cincinnati Children’s, she’s growing, thriving and taking on the world.

Grateful mom of Joslyn