Riley smiles.

Riley and her family know how important it is to live in the moment.

Sincerely Yours

Life's too short to put things off. That's what we've learned since my daughter, Riley, was diagnosed with a life-threatening condition, called pulmonary hypertension, when she was just 4 years old. Since her diagnosis she’s had a lot of ups and downs with her health. We’ve had some big wins—like finding care and better treatments at Cincinnati Children’s—giving her times when she can feel like any other 9-year-old kid.

Riley was recently diagnosed with a new condition—and that rocked our world. Right now she’s OK, but the day may come when she’ll need a lung transplant. It’s not news we wanted, but it’s helped us realize that we need to live in the moment.

The one thing we can always count on is Cincinnati Children’s commitment to help Riley live life the way she wants to. She’s always had big ideas, and she wants to see the world. We’ll continue to work with her doctors to find ways to help her accomplish all of her goals.

We’re not going to allow her diagnoses to be in control. No medical condition, treatment or impending transplant is more powerful than the memories we’ll make together.  

Grateful Mom of Riley 

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