Funded Training
Schmidlapp Women's Scholar Program

Charlotte R. Schmidlapp Women Scholars Program

Application Deadline: Friday October 11, 2024 at 5 p.m.


To provide financial support to advance research programs and promote career advancement of female-identifying faculty who have demonstrated potential as independent researchers. The goal is to catalyze research progress to enable future major funding and/or promotion to the rank of Associate and Full Professor.


Female-identifying faculty who are Assistant or Associate Professors in departments/divisions at Cincinnati Children's, and also receive a paycheck from Cincinnati Children's, are eligible to apply. In general, successful applicants have been in their current academic rank at Cincinnati Children's for at least 3 years. Candidates should have a record of research accomplishments, such as grants and publications, but need additional financial support for their research program and career development. Individuals from groups historically underrepresented in medicine and research are strongly encouraged to apply.

Award Amount

The award amount is variable according to identified needs; up to $100,000 per year is given to the scholar for use in a manner that she deems appropriate for her research and related career development. Funds cannot be used for salary support of the scholar. The maximum award length is 2 years and is dependent upon demonstration of progress.


The application submitted by email as ONE pdf document (see below) consists of:

  1. A full CV
  2. A one-page statement of career and research goals. Applicants are encouraged to define what research career success means to them and how the award would support achieving that long-term goal
  3. A one-page budget and justification. Budget may include funding for relevant career development opportunities, such as leadership development or training for a new research skill
  4. In the body of your email (not part of the PDF) please state if, aside from gender, you identify as belonging to a group underrepresented in medicine or research, or come from a disadvantaged background. No detail, other than yes or no, is needed. Learn more about those definitions.


Applications will be evaluated based on:

  1. Potential of award to advance the scholar’s career
  2. Track record of the applicant

The scholar will be chosen by January 1, 2025, and the award will be activated at that time.

Scholars will be invited to: present their work at Faculty Crosstalk, have lunch with their Cincinnati Children’s Department Chair or in-Chief, meet with the Associate Chair for Academic Affairs and Career Development, and present their work and career path to the SURF Charlotte R. Schmidlapp Young Women’s Scholars. Awardees are expected to submit a brief progress report at the end of year 1 and final report at the end of year 2, including information on how the Schmidlapp Award has contributed to their success.

Contact Us

Please feel free to contact Ellen Lipstein, MD, MPH, Chair of the Schmidlapp Scholars Selection Committee, if you have any questions.

Please submit the specified materials as one pdf file by email to by 5 pm on Friday, October 11, 2024.

Schmidlapp Scholars