Hematology / Oncology Fellowship
Hemangioma and Vascular Malformation Fellowship

Hemangioma and Vascular Malformation Fellowship

The Hemangioma and Vascular Malformation Fellowship at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center is a one-year program starting July 2022. Applicants must have completed at least three years of pediatric hematology / oncology fellowship training in the U.S. or equivalent training abroad and be board-eligible.

Candidates currently in pediatric hematology / oncology or other fellowships may apply if the expected completion date is prior to July 1, 2022.

Key Training Program Goals

Individuals will participate in the broad clinical and academic experience now available in the Hemangioma and Vascular Malformation Center (HVMC) under the supervision of Kiersten Ricci, MD, and the HVMC leadership team.

The selected fellow will:

  • Develop acumen in the classification of vascular anomalies
  • Develop a clear understanding of the diagnosis and treatment of common and uncommon vascular anomaly diagnoses
  • Become familiar with the diagnostic imaging findings of vascular anomalies
  • Gain knowledge of sclerotherapy and embolization procedures including indications for these interventions, sclerosing agents and potential complications
  • Develop expertise of medications used to treat vascular anomalies including dosing, potential side effects, benefits, monitoring and safety precautions
  • Recognize the common somatic and germline mutations associated with specific vascular anomaly phenotypes
  • Develop an understanding of the different coagulopathies associated with specific vascular anomaly phenotypes and gain expertise in the management of these coagulopathies
  • Understand the pathologic diagnosis of vascular tumors and malformations including gross pathology, histology and immunostaining
  • Become familiar with the surgical management of vascular anomalies including indications for these interventions, potential complications, and pre- and postoperative management of high-risk patients with vascular anomalies
  • Understand the limitations of retrospective studies and the challenges of prospective clinical studies for patients with vascular anomalies
  • Develop understanding of the clinical study design for rare disorders including adaptive study designs, risk stratification, inclusion criteria, assessment of response and statistical considerations
  • Participate in open clinical trials specifically in vascular anomalies
  • Plan for at least two first author publications within the field of vascular anomalies

Why Cincinnati Children’s?

Currently, HVMC has more than 4,500 active patients, and new patient accrual is exceeding 500 patients per year. Our center is one of five comprehensive vascular anomaly programs and one of 25 Centers of Excellence for hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT) in North America.

We have a superb interdisciplinary faculty with internationally acclaimed expertise in the field. The faculty members are engaged in clinical and translational research. In addition, we have a vascular biology research program that currently is performing cutting-edge basic science and translational research.

Vascular anomalies, comprised of vascular tumors and malformations, are common disorders that affect 15 percent of children, although only 1 percent require evaluation and treatment. Throughout the United States, vascular anomalies are frequently misdiagnosed and inappropriately treated. There is a significant need to train subspecialists with expertise in the diagnosis of vascular anomalies and their management.

How to Apply

Contact Us and Apply.

Apply for the Hemangioma and Vascular Malformation Fellowship Program at Cincinnati Children's or ask for more information.

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