Aaron Vaughn

Aaron J. Vaughn, PhD

  • Pediatric Psychologist, Clinical, Division of Behavioral Medicine and Clinical Psychology
  • Senior Director, Behavioral Health Programming
  • Professor, UC Department of Pediatrics
My goal is to transform the way we provide treatment for children and adolescents in crisis and enable care that nurtures and aids in their recovery.
Aaron J. Vaughn, PhD



As a clinical child psychologist, I specialize in working with children and adolescents who are having significant behavioral and mood-related difficulties. I have a strong background in behavioral and cognitive-behavioral therapy, as well as in a trauma-informed approach to care. I also have expertise in assessing and treating children and adolescents with neurodevelopmental disorders, such as ADHD and related difficulties.

As senior director of Behavioral Health Programming, I work with interdisciplinary teams to develop, implement, and evaluate interventions and programs of care in an acute-psychiatry inpatient setting.

In addition to helping patients, I conduct research. I have two primary areas of interest in my research. One is to understand, develop, and implement interventions to improve the lives of children and adolescents with behavioral and learning difficulties. The other is to understand and implement interventions for children and adolescents in acute-care settings that promote stabilization and recovery.

I approach care from an evidence-based perspective that is committed to the enhancement of health and well-being. I accomplished this by:

  • Using the best available clinical scientific evidence
  • Understanding and incorporating the values and preferences of each patient
  • Having strong clinical experience and training to inform how best to help each patient and their family

I was drawn to my career by my desire to empower children and their families to achieve their fullest potential. My goal is to transform the way we provide treatment for children and adolescents in crisis and enable care that nurtures and aids in their recovery.

For my own care, I am rejuvenated by being in the outdoors and backpacking with my family.

BA: Cedarville University.

MS: Clinical Psychology, Purdue University.

PhD: Clinical Psychology, University of Vermont.

Predoctoral Internship: Cincinnati Children's, 2008-2009.

Postdoctoral Fellowship: Cincinnati Children's, 2009-2011.


Acute / inpatient care; crisis intervention; behavioral interventions; assessment and treatment of children and adolescents with ADHD; organization / academic skills

Services and Specialties

Behavioral Medicine, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ADHD

Research Areas

Clinical Psychology, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ADHD


Academic functioning in children with and without sluggish cognitive tempo. Becker, SP; Epstein, JN; Burns, GL; Mossing, KW; Schmitt, AP; Fershtman, CE M; Vaughn, AJ; Zoromski, AK; Peugh, JL; Simon, JO; Tamm, L. Journal of School Psychology. 2022; 95:105-120.

Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Inpatient Care: Contemporary Practices and Introduction of the 5S Model. Calhoun, CD; Nick, EA; Gurtovenko, K; Vaughn, AJ; Simmons, SW; Taylor, R; Twohy, E; Flannery, J; Thompson, AD. Evidence-Based Practice in Child and Adolescent Mental Health. 2022; 7:477-492.

Introduction to the Second Special Issue: Acute, Intensive, and Residential Services. Thompson, AD; Leffler, J; Vaughn, AJ. Evidence-Based Practice in Child and Adolescent Mental Health. 2022; 7:399-402.

Acute, Intensive, and Residential Services (AIRS) for Youth: Introduction to Special Issue. Leffler, JM; Vaughn, AJ; Thompson, AD. Evidence-Based Practice in Child and Adolescent Mental Health. 2021; 6:421-423.

Achieving Independence and Mastery in School: An Open Trial in the Outpatient Setting. Tamm, L; Zoromski, AK; Kneeskern, EE; Patel, M; Lacey, HM; Vaughn, AJ; Ciesielski, HA; Weadick, HK; Duncan, AW. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 2021; 51:1705-1718.

Assessing sluggish cognitive tempo and ADHD inattention in elementary students: Empirical differentiation, invariance across sex and grade, and measurement precision. Becker, SP; Mossing, KW; Zoromski, AK; Vaughn, AJ; Epstein, JN; Tamm, L; Burns, GL. Psychological Assessment. 2020; 32:1047-1056.

Academic Needs in Middle School: Perspectives of Parents and Youth with Autism. Tamm, L; Duncan, A; Vaughn, A; McDade, R; Estell, N; Birnschein, A; Crosby, L. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 2020; 50:3126-3139.

Factors Relating to the Presence and Modifiability of Self-Perceptual Bias Among Children with ADHD. Martin, CP; Shoulberg, EK; Hoza, B; Vaughn, A; Waschbusch, DA. Child Psychiatry and Human Development. 2020; 51:281-293.

Patient Ratings and Comments

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Overall Patient Rating