A photo of Patrick Ryan.

Patrick H. Ryan, PhD, MS

  • Professor, UC Department of Pediatrics
  • UC Department of Environmental Health



My research involves assessing environmental exposures, particularly air pollutants, and studying how they affect pediatric respiratory health and neurodevelopment. My research primarily involves:

  • Air pollution
  • The built environment including greenspace
  • The use of personal monitors and sensors to measure environmental exposures
  • Environmental asbestos exposure

The goals of my research are to answer the following questions: 1) How do we accurately characterize exposure to environmental pollutants, especially air pollutants; and 2) What is the impact or health effects of environmental exposures, especially air pollutants?

Early in my career, I developed the first land-use regression model of elemental carbon, a traffic-related pollutant. This model has been widely applied and used in the Cincinnati Childhood Allergy and Air Pollution Study (CCAAPS) to assess childhood exposure to traffic-related air pollution with childhood wheezing, asthma onset and other respiratory diseases. More recently, we have linked traffic-related air pollution to childhood mental health, including anxiety and depression.

My focus on air pollution has also led to community-based research to study air quality and local schools, to demonstrate the effectiveness of anti-idling campaigns on improving air quality near schools. In addition, I have collaborated with engineers to develop personal monitors for air pollution, including ultrafine particles. My research group is currently utilizing these personal monitors to measure adolescents’ personal exposure to air pollution and understand how they impact respiratory health.

Other research interests include the identification of environmental, demographic, home and other factors associated with personal exposure to specific elemental constituents of particulate matter and the impact of naturally occurring elongated mineral fibers (e.g. asbestos) on respiratory and autoimmune disease in the western United States.

My research has been supported by local and national organizations, including the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Health Effects Institute (HEI). The results of these research efforts have been published in more than 100 peer-reviewed papers.

Locally, I serve on multiple mentoring committees including clinical fellows, K recipients and junior faculty. I also currently serve as the co-director of the MS in Clinical and Translational Research program and the director of Translational Workforce Development for the Center for Clinical and Translational Science and Training at Cincinnati Children’s.

PhD: University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, 2007.

MS: University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, 2004.

BS: Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH, 2001.


Environmental epidemiology; air pollution; personal monitors; greenspace; neurodevelopment; respiratory health

Research Areas

Biostatistics and Epidemiology


Impact of Adverse Experiences on Maternal Trust in Pediatric Primary Care. Ryan, P; Ammerman, RT; Mara, CA; Brown, CM; Zion, C; Cleary, OM; Theuerling, AM; Bignall, WR. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment and Trauma. 2024; 33:1530-1545.

Hepatitis B virus (HBV) viremia despite tenofovir disoproxil fumarate-containing antiretroviral therapy in persons with HBV/HIV coinfection. Ryan, P; Odegard, E; Meeds, H; Lartey, M; Ganu, VJ; Tachi, K; Yang, H; Ojewale, O; Boamah, I; Obo-Akwa, A; Antwi, K; Anderson, PL; Blackard, JT; Kwara, A. Journal of Clinical Virology. 2024; 175:105733.

A call for solutions-oriented research and policy to protect children from the effects of climate change. Ryan, PH; Newman, N; Yolton, K; Meinzen-Derr, J; Glauser, T; Cheng, TL. Pediatric Research. 2024; 96:1532-1534.

The Legacy of Redlining: Increasing Childhood Asthma Disparities through Neighborhood Poverty. Ryan, PH; Zanobetti, A; Coull, BA; Andrews, H; Bacharier, LB; Bailey, D; Beamer, PI; Blossom, J; Brokamp, C; Datta, S; Wright, AL; Zoratti, EM; Gern, JE; Gold, DR. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2024; 210:1201-1209.

Robust identification of environmental exposures and community characteristics predictive of rapid lung disease progression. Peterson, CJ; Rao, MB; Palipana, A; Manning, ER; Vancil, A; Ryan, P; Brokamp, C; Kramer, E; Szczesniak, RD; Gecili, E. Science of the Total Environment. 2024; 950:175348.

Online, asynchronous training in research for residents. Blackard, JT; Knapke, JM; Schuckman, S; Veevers, J; Hardie, WD; Yadav, R; Kahn, A; Lee, P; Terebelo, S; Ryan, PH. Journal of Clinical and Translational Science. 2024; 8:e180.

Epigenome-wide association study of fluoride exposure during early adolescence and DNA methylation among U.S. children. Ruehlmann, AK; Cecil, KM; Lippert, F; Yolton, K; Ryan, PH; Brunst, KJ. Science of the Total Environment. 2024; 948:174916.

Variability in personal exposure to ultrafine and fine particles by microenvironment among adolescents in Cincinnati. Turner, A; Ryan, PH; Ingram, S; Chariter, R; Wolfe, C; Cho, SH. Science of the Total Environment. 2024; 946:173806.

Personal exposure to ultrafine particles in multiple microenvironments among adolescents. Turner, A; Wolfe, C; Ryan, PH. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology. 2024; 34:878-885.

Association between mental health disorders and extreme heat among Medicaid adolescents. Zanobetti, A; Dong, S; Ryan, PH; Coull, BA; Gold, DR; Braun, D; Delaney, S. ISEE Conference Abstracts. 2024; 2024.

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