A photo of Ilka Riddle.

Ilka K. Riddle, PhD

  • Director, University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, Division of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics
  • Professor, UC Department of Pediatrics



As the director of the University of Cincinnati University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UC UCEDD), Ilka Riddle, PhD, is responsible for achieving the four core functions of a UCEDD: interdisciplinary training, community services and collaborations, research and information dissemination. UC UCEDD achieves its goals through the Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Other Disabilities (LEND) interdisciplinary training program; community partnerships on self-advocacy, transition, employment, housing and healthy living; research on transition and sharing of disability and other relevant information with individuals with disabilities, family members, caregivers, health care providers, state and community agencies staff, policy makers and legislators. Dr. Riddle participates on a variety of state advisory and task forces to provide technical assistance on disability, conducts research on health care transition, engages with the national Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD) on disability-relevant topics and works with local, regional and state partners on a variety of initiatives to improve community integration and inclusion of people with disabilities.

MS: University of Delaware, Newark, DE, 2001.

PhD: University of Delaware, Newark, DE, 2006.

Services and Specialties

Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics


Healthcare transition of children and youth with special health care needs; health disparities and health equity for individuals with disabilities

Research Areas

Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics


Medicaid long-term services and supports and caregiving needs of caregivers of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Mastrogiannis, AM; Steinway, C; Santos, TC; Chen, J; Berens, J; Davis, T; Cornacchia, M; Woodward, J; Riddle, I; Spicer, B; Wright, C; Lindquist, LA; Jan, S. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities. 2024; 37:e13289.

Implications of Health Equity for Children With Disabilities. Ayers, KB; Riddle, I. JAMA pediatrics. 2024; 178:518-519.

Diagnosis and management in Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome: first international consensus statement. Lacombe, D; Bloch-Zupan, A; Bredrup, C; Cooper, EB; Houge, SD; García-Miñaúr, S; Kayserili, H; Larizza, L; Lopez Gonzalez, V; Menke, LA; Van Wijk, MP; Vyshka, K; Wiley, S; Hennekam, RC. Journal of medical genetics. 2024; 61:503-519.

Caregiver support, burden, and long-term planning among caregivers of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities: A cross-sectional study. Santos, T; Steinway, C; Mastrogiannis, A; Chen, J; Woodward, J; Riddle, I; Spicer, B; Berens, J; Davis, T; Cornacchia, M; Wright, C; Lindquist, LA; Jan, S. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities. 2023; 36:1229-1240.

Parenting young children with developmental disabilities: Experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic in the U.S. Kunze, M; Gomez, D; Glenn, E; Todis, B; Riddle, I; Karns, CM; Glang, A; McIntyre, LL. Journal of Childhood, Education and Society. 2023; 4:156-175.

Behavioral and neuropsychiatric challenges across the lifespan in individuals with Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome. Qu’d, D; Schmitt, LM; Leston, A; Harris, JR; Slavotinek, A; Riddle, I; Brightman, DS; Simpson, BN. Frontiers in Genetics. 2023; 14:1116919.

Seeking Out Social Learning: Online Self-Education in Parents of Children With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. Karns, CM; Todis, B; Glenn, E; Glang, A; Wade, SL; Riddle, I; McIntyre, LL. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: journal of policy, practice, and perspectives. 2022; 60:303-315.

Identifying key components of a web-based long term care planning intervention for family caregivers of individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities. Chicas, VE; Steinway, C; Chen, J; Schwartz, MC; Wright, C; Cornacchia, M; Davis, TW; Berens, JC; Riddle, I; Woodward, JF; Jan, S. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities. 2022; 35:867-877.

Caregivers of individuals with Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome: Perspectives, experiences, and relationships with medical professionals. Webster, J; Wiley, S; Schorry, E; Bowers, K; Collins Ruff, K; Riddle, I. Journal of Genetic Counseling. 2022; 31:153-163.

Living Independent From Tobacco reduces cigarette smoking and improves general health status among long-term tobacco users with disabilities. Barnhart, WR; Whalen Smith, CN; Coleman, E; Riddle, IK; Havercamp, SM. Disability and Health Journal. 2020; 13:100882.